• September is "Ketchup" month

    We invite you to help us 'ketchup' with our yearly giving in September. We need to raise an additional $50,000 above our regular monthly budget to catch-up and to maintain 28(!) air conditioners. Please consider how you and your family can go a little above this month to help us meet this goal. Your prayers and generosity make it possible! 

    Read the letter from Pastor Jon

    Give Online Now

  • what is micah ministry? - 3:00 Sundays

    Join Pastor Doug Forsberg and his team of SNU students for an informational session at 3:00 on a Sunday afternoon. Choose ONE session from September 8th - October 13th in Room 5. Visit mcmokc.org for more on what the Micah Community Movement is.

  • ONE - our neighborhood empowered

    ONE exists to positively impact OKC by providing programs that enable child and adolescent development. Hosted in OKC First’s Cole Community Center (CCC), we work within our community to provide much-needed after-school support, summer camps, tutoring and mentoring for kids, and school supply assistance. Our aim is to meet a felt need and have fun with the kinds in our community at the same time. Visit www.oneokc.org for ways to volunteer and give financially. 

  • hope box food pantry

    We regularly serve 65 families on Friday afternoons from 1:00-2:00. Help us serve our community! We need volunteers, monetary donations, and 4 specific food items: cereal, peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti pasta, and pasta sauce. You can drop any of these items off at the church. For questions or to volunteer contact Jayden: Jayden@okcfirst.com.

  • Junior Leaders' Bake sale - Sept 22nd

    🍪🍰🧁Come ready this Sunday to support our Junior Leaders! The Bake Sale will be in the Atrium from 9:30-noon. Purchase online, or with cash/check. The fundraiser supports our Junior Leaders Fall Retreat in a couple weeks. What's a Junior Leader, you ask?

    🌟Junior Leaders are 4th and 5th graders who participate in a discipleship program to develop as Christ-like leaders who will serve God with the gifts and talents they have been given. Throughout the year they participate several activities to develop faith and team work as the Body of Christ. At the retreat they learn about the Trinity through an activity at a dance studio.

  • baptism - september 29th

    If you are interested in being baptized, or affirming your baptism, in the morning worship service on September 29th email info@okcfirst.com. We would love to have you join the family of faith more fully. In baptism we acknowledge the call to be the Body, the image of God, and receive the gifts of identity, community, and purpose through this sacrament. 

  • What is spiritual formation? - 6:30 wednesdays, sept 18th

    Join this 3 week introductory class with Dr Jesse Middendorf in Room 9 beginning September 18th. Email info@okcfirst.com to sign up. 

  • women's ministry - celebration of seasons    OCt 11, 6-9pm

    OKC First Women's Ministry invites you to a "Celebration of Seasons" Ecclesiastes 3:1

    Special speaker: Elaine Green

    Friday, October 11th, 6-9pm

    OKC First Green Room

    Join us for frito-chili pies, s'mores, pumpkin crafts, and games

    Cost is $5 for crafts

    Sign up here

  • Join a Sunday School Class!           🆕class

    Not currently part of a Sunday school class? You're missing out on such a great opportunity to dig deeper relationally and spiritually. 

    🆕“The Journey” is an all-inclusive, adult-focused Sunday school class where we navigate life as Christians together. We embrace a candid and sometimes irreverent approach, encouraging open discussions about faith, struggles, and everyday life. Whether you're deeply rooted in your beliefs or exploring your path, you're welcome to join us as we support each other on this journey of growth and discovery. Meets in Room 41.

    Check out a list of our adult Sunday school classes currently available:

    SUNday school classes

  • We launched a new online platform

    Join us every Sunday at 10:30am at okcfirst.online.church

    We're excited to continue enhancing interactivity, connection, and care for our online congregation.  This new platform, pastored by Rev. Joel Dyer, offers added features to support and strengthen our online community and church family. Let's worship together and continue building community, both online and in person! 

    Don't worry—our service will still be streaming on YouTube as usual at youtube.com/okcfirst.

  • our missionaries - Matthew & Hannah lawrence are headed to spain

    🌍Matthew and Hannah are embarking on an incredible journey to minister in Spain, with specific focus and care for refugees and immigrants. We heard from Matthew on Sunday that they are beginning the Visa process to enter Spain and are in the last stretch of fundraising for the remaining $20,000. 

    🙏💵Please join us in supporting them in this important work. If you feel led to contribute, with a one time or monthly donation, go to https://give.nazarene.org/pledge/mhlawrence

    🎥To view their story in its entirety as they shared with the congregation in the morning worship service on February 25th, visit: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYqPBUVWi20
  • hospitality team

    HELP WANTED 🙋🏻‍♂️ We are in search of volunteers for our hospitality team!

    ⭐Sunday mornings - 4th Sunday building prep

    ⭐Sunday mornings - occasional subs for parking lot greeters

    ⭐Wednesday nights - entrance greeter

    Join us as we are the hands and feet of Jesus in making all who come feel at home. Contact Kelly Baker if interested at docbaker16@gmail.com.

  • The Spero project

    We have 4 unique language congregations meeting in this building every week! This is a project we can work on together with the Spanish, Burmese, and Cameroonian congregations. Watch for more details coming soon after our training.


    See more at www.thesperoproject.com: The Spero Project is a local non-profit organization that welcomes resettled refugees by connecting our new neighbors to people, resources and learning opportunities that make Oklahoma City a place of belonging.

  • Wednesday Night Classes

    Age Group Ministries

    Children (nursery - 5th)

    Rev. Lisa Sanders

    6:30 - 8:00pm

    Children's worship wing

    contact: lisa@okcfirst.com

    Youth (6th - 12th)

    Rev. Avarilla Anfuso

    6:30 - 8:00pm

    Cole Community Center

    contact: avarilla@okcfirst.com

    College and Young Adult

    Rudy Rockett

    8:30 - 9:30pm

    Cole Community Center, Rm 3

    contact: rudy@okcfirst.com

  • The OKC First Youth Worship room is getting a 'glow up!'

    We have plans to add personalized details, a stage, lights, upgrade our worship supplies, and more, to make the room feel more welcoming and distinctive for OKC First Youth!! Our desire is that every student will feel personally and intimately connected to the space we worship in each week.

    We will need your help! Thank you so much for loving and supporting OKC First Youth!!

    Ways to help:

    Work crew to get it all setup when the time comes

    Monetary donations (Total project Cost: $1000)

    Supply donations, see list below

    Supply List:

    -32 2x8x8 wooden planks

    -330 3" wood screws

    -3 3/4 inch 4x8 plywood pieces

    -Industrial string lights

  • zambia partnership - LUKA International foundation

    We have been partnering with Zambia since 2009. Pastor Jon gave us an update in the April 28th service - Do you know that we support two community schools of over 1,500 students? The OKC First non-profit Luka supports the Maanu Mbwami and Kanyama schools.The needs continue in Zambia, as 40% of children experience malnutrition. You are a generous church!  This is our work to do. Please join us. 

    Go to www.lukafoundation.org if you would like to be a one-time or monthly supporter to help provide one healthy meal a day to each of the 1500 students. Contact our ministry Director at deb.mccullock@lukafoundation.org if you have any questions. We are already planning our next trip to Zambia, let us know if you are interested! 


  • Ministerio Latino Service

    Sundays at 10:45am

    Room 45

    Led by Rev. Daniel Moreyra, our all-Spanish worship service is now more than a year old! For more information, please email daniel@okcfirst.com.

  • OKC First outreach ministry apartments

    We had a great turnout on February 24th. There will be more workdays coming, watch for details! We're calling on volunteers to help repair, clean, and beautify our outreach ministry apartments. It's more than just a work day; it's a chance to connect, serve, and make a difference together. Bring your enthusiasm and love for service. We’ll be cleaning, organizing, and ensuring this space for our neighbors is well cared for. Whether you’re skilled or just have a heart to help, your presence will be a blessing.


    The Walt Crow Center is a ministry of OKC First that provides pastors a place to retreat and seek encouragement and healing. For more information: https://www.waltcrowcenter.com.


  • SERVE - the Cycle of faith is not complete until you serve

    At OKC First, we are always finding ways to put skin and flesh on the welcome and hospitality of God! We need your help to do that, so sign up for one of our teams today! We have a place for everyone to make a difference in our community. 

    We are specifically looking for more building care, greeters, and creative team volunteers!

    I Want to serve!

  • our leadership - Church board

    We are grateful for these folks who will help lead us for the next year:

    Kelly Baker, Mike Bell, R.B. Broyles, Brent Conway, Heather Clemmer, Mike Duke, Alex Fain, Lori Felder, Tina Hughes, Jeremy Miller, Mark Murray, Amy Smith, Kristy Wente, and Chris Yates.

    Church officers are: Eric Jergensen (SDMI), Jessica Sword (NYI), and Wes Veitch (NMI). 

    Church board alternates are: Faith Sinclair (1), Derek Dorris and John Paynter (T-2)

  • Ways to give

    Want to contribute to the mission and ministry of OKC? 

    Visit www.okcfirst.com/give and follow the steps in this easy-to-follow video tutorial!

    Online 🖥️      By Text message 📱     Mail ✉️      Giving Stations in the Sanctuary 🗳️

  • stay up to date

    Along with the digital worship folder, our weekly email communication is one of the best ways to stay up to date on what's happening at OKC First! 

    If you are not currently on our email list OR are not sure if you are on our list, click the button below and we'll make sure that you are.