As we conclude the season of Epiphany and embark on the solemn journey of Lent, we invite you to join us for a deeply meaningful Ash Wednesday service, beginning at 6:30 PM, on Wednesday March 5th.
This service is a sacred time for reflection, confession, and repentance. In this moment of communal honesty, where we own our failures and frailties, we also discover the courage to face ourselves and the world.
It's not easy to acknowledge our brokenness, yet it is in this very act that we find the boundless grace of God—grace that chooses us, knows us, and renews us.
At the conclusion of the service, worshippers will be invited to have ashes imposed on their foreheads, receive the Eucharist, and/or pray at an altar. All are welcome to join in this contemplative gathering. Childcare for Nursery and Pre-School will be provided.
The sanctuary will also be open at Noon through the lunch hour for personal prayer and reflection.