what to expect

Like so many other churches and traditions, OKC First follows the lectionary, a resource based on the Christian Calendar. This allows for themes and seasons of emphasis to shape both the individual believer and the Body. To learn more about the different seasons of the Church year, CLICK HERE

Here is what you can expect... 

We Worship Through Friendship

OKC First exists to be a community of friendship—with God, with each other, and with the world. One way we practice this in our services is by taking time to greet each other with the love and hospitality of Christ at the start of our time worshiping together.

We Worship Through Song

You will hear us say often that we do not shape or change who God is by our worship; rather, it is through our worship that God shapes us. By lifting our hearts and voices together in one song, we open up ourselves both individually and collectively to be shaped and formed by the Spirit of God.

We Worship Through the Word, Communion, and Prayer

Each week the Word of the Lord is proclaimed through scripture, followed by a sermon preached by one of our pastors. Following the sermon we practice the holy sacrament of communion together. At OKC First we believe in an open table: anyone who is in need of God's grace may receive the gift of communion. Each week we return to our story of origin, the story of Grace. Each week we receive the bread that is taken, blessed, broken, and given in the hope that someday we might understand ourselves to be, like Christ, taken, blessed, broken, and given. Each week we drink deeply of the hope and future that is ours because of Christ’s gifts to all of us and each of us.

After communion is served, our altars are open for prayer and healing.

We Worship Through Life and Giving

We conclude our gatherings each week by giving back to God in gratitude through tithes and offerings. Offering plates are passed, as well as opportunities made available to give online or via text message. We are then sent out as the body of Christ, to represent His love and grace to the world.

We welcome you to come and be a participant in the contemplation and celebration of God’s character, His mercy and His love! Come as you are! May God richly bless you as you worship and may the peace of Christ be with you.